Mention about the water absorbing material, you may think of many absorbing materials such as cotton, napkins, sponge, anhydrous calcium chloride, soda lime, allochroic silica gel or activated carbon.
But these liquid absorbing substances materials can absorb only several or dozens of times its weight. And most of them will release the water under pressure.
Is there a best water absorbing material can absorb huge water under pressure?
sodium acrylate polymer can absorb hundreds times its weight.
After absorption, liquid absorbing substance will turn to water gel which can lock water strongly under pressure.
High absorption.
sodium polyacrylate polymer can absorb about 500-1000 times its weight. This is the most difference between SOCO Polymer and other traditional absorption materials.
High absorbent rate.
highly absorbent material only takes several seconds to absorb all the water. Actually absorbent rate is a very important item for high absorbent material.It is a natural water absorbing materials.It is the best water-absorbing material.
Strong liquid locking ability.
As we mentioned earlier, liquid-absorbing substances has strong liquid locking ability — that why substance that absorbs water more and more popular used in diapers as the absorbing material.
This material is totally non-toxic and harmless. Actually, this new function material is already used in artificial vitreous and artificial skin.
Sodium polyacrylate is eco-friendly and can be decomposed into water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.
polyacrylic acid sodium is formed from a combination of acrylic and sodium compounds, a substance known for its ability to absorb water. Capable of swelling and retaining large amounts of liquid, he has great use in agriculture and industry.
The best water absorbing material is often considered to be sodium polyacrylate (SAP), a synthetic polymer renowned for its exceptional water-absorption capacity.
Absorbent material for water is a specialized type of material designed to efficiently capture, retain, and manage liquid water. Water absorbent materials are substances designed to efficiently absorb and retain water.
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