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Dust suppression in mines

Jul 26th,2024

In the production process of open-pit mines, a large amount of dust is generated in each link of drilling, blasting, shoveling, transportation, crushing, and soil discharge. In addition, auxiliary vehicles and mining engineering construction in the mining area (such as ramp construction, slope cleaning, etc.) will also generate dust.

SOCO® products have been used in countries like Australia, India, France, Brazil and other countries (alone or mixed) with positive results.

 Friction Reducers

ORESORB™ has good water absorption and water retention, and can be adsorbed for a long time at room temperature. The swollen adhesive has a certain viscosity and can penetrate into the gaps between dust particles. It increases the mass of dust particles by absorbing moisture and promotes the coagulation between dust particles through adhesion, thereby suppressing the flying of dust. Therefore, it is used to suppress the generation of dust during coal accumulation and transportation in mining areas.



ORESORB™ is a patented hydrogel that can be used to stem underground holes of any type and size, both horizontally or vertically drilled.


ORESORB™ consistently produces more effective and controlled blasting results in Underground applications, improving the safety and efficiency of mining operations.


ORESORB™ unique formula consists of a liquid reagent and specialty polymer blend which, when added to water, forms a solid hydrogel in the blast hole.


ORESORB™ is an innovation in underground blaststemming and blast control. lt's effective, fast andeasy to use.

Practical Applications of Superabsorbent Polymers

I. Dust Suppression in Mining Operations

A. Moisture Retention and Dust Binding

Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) can be utilized effectively in mining operations for dust suppression by enhancing moisture retention and binding dust particles. The polymers can absorb significant amounts of water, creating a moist environment that helps in adhering dust particles to surfaces, thus preventing them from becoming airborne. This method is particularly effective in mitigating dust in mining tunnels and during excavation activities.


B. Drill Bit Cooling During Excavation

During the drilling process, superabsorbent polymers can be employed to cool drill bits, which helps in prolonging their lifespan and improving efficiency. Additionally, certain SAP formulations can include flame retardant properties, offering enhanced safety in high-temperature and potentially flammable mining environments. The cooling effect not only maintains the structural integrity of the drill bits but also reduces the risk of fire hazards.

II. Dust Suppression During Blasting Operations

A. Blast Hole Sealing Agents


  • Composition and Mechanism:

Blast hole sealing agents consist of a mixture of concentrated liquid reagents and specialized polymers. When combined with water, these agents rapidly form a solid hydrogel, effectively sealing the blast hole.


  • Pressure Shockwave Mitigation:

The hydrogel formed at the blast site can absorb and dissipate the pressure shockwave generated by the explosion. This absorption minimizes energy loss and reflects the explosive energy back into the rock strata, enhancing rock fragmentation efficiency. The result is a more controlled and effective blasting process, with reduced risk of fly rock and improved overall safety.


  •  Gas Pressure Regulation:

The gelled sealing agents increase the gas pressure within the rock strata. Upon explosion, the hydrogel converts to water vapor, which is ejected from the drill hole. This action significantly reduces air pressure, noise, and dust emissions during blasting operations, creating a safer and more environmentally friendly blasting process.


B. Explosion Resistance Pads

Explosion resistance pads, placed above the blast holes, serve a dual purpose. These pads are composed of superabsorbent polymers that form a hydrogel upon activation. The pads act as a barrier, reducing the force of air blasts and noise, while also trapping dust particles.


Dust Suppression:

The hydrogel formed by the explosion resistance pads captures and binds dust particles, preventing them from becoming airborne. This results in a substantial reduction in dust emissions during and after the blast.


Noise Reduction and Fly Rock Mitigation:

The pads help to dampen the noise generated by the explosion and reduce the impact of flying debris. By providing a cushioning effect, the explosion resistance pads minimize the hazards associated with fly rock and improve the overall safety of the blasting operation.


These advanced applications of superabsorbent polymers in mining and blasting operations demonstrate their versatility and effectiveness in enhancing safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. By integrating these innovative solutions, mining operations can achieve better dust control, improved rock fragmentation, and safer working conditions.


ORESORB™ hydrogel has a large attenuation coefficient and is able to absorb and reflect up to 98% of the blast pressure SOCO® and redirect back into the formation.


This attenuation and reflection of the blast pressure wave results in an increase in the effectiveness of the blast,through retention and control of the energy, to substantially improve rock micro-fracturing and breakage.


Loading ORESORB™ is safe, fast and easy. The process is similar to that of load ingemulsion explosives.

Product principle and effect description


Product Mechanism and Effect Explanation


Using ORESORB™ product spray, maintain long-lasting road moisture to prevent dust from flying, ensuring safety for people and vehicles. Meets environmental dust suppression standards and reduces overall road dust control costs.


1. After spraying with ORESORB™, it forms a crust on the soil to prevent roadside dust from flying, lasting several months.

2. Using HORTISORB™ water retention agent, enhance the survival rate of afforested trees on slopes, achieving about a 99% survival rate for saplings, and promote slope revegetation.

Loose Material Piles

ORESORB™ dust suppressant with a pH value of 6.7~7.5, is essentially neutral and easy to degrade. It is widely used in frequently disturbed construction sites, mixing sites, and dust suppression for soil heaps.


1. Change the original filler of blast holes to reduce dust sources during blasting.

2. Implement dust suppression at the initiation of explosives to reduce dust spread. Enhance the water's dust capture efficiency to control pollution from the dust source.

Mining Tunnels

Using ORESORB™ products alone or in combination to achieve tunnel moistening or sludge solidification.

Achieve tunnel dust suppression and sludge transportation, ensuring smooth roads.

Using ORESORB™ products to suppress dust on minerals during road transportation.

Transportation (Truck)/Vehicle Loading/Unloading

Using water-absorbing dust suppression products to control dust on minerals during loading/unloading.

Dust suppression usually involves a variety of technical means, and chemical dust suppressants can be adsorbed on the surface of the dust more permanently to form a protective film, which further suppresses the flying of dust. In addition, optimization of the mining process, the use of low-dust equipment, and rational planning of operational processes are also effective means of reducing dust generation.

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