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ORESORB® Polymer: A Revolutionary Approach to Mineral Dehydration

Jul 19th,2024

In the mineral processing process, most of the mineral processing products contain a lot of water. For example, the water content of the concentrate of the flotation plant is about 4 to 5 times the weight of the solid, and the concentrate obtained by the gravity separation plant and the magnetic separation plant also contains a lot of water. Therefore, the concentrate products must be dehydrated, otherwise the transportation of the concentrate is very difficult and the transportation cost will increase. In cold areas, the storage and transportation of concentrates containing a lot of water will freeze.


Dehydration of concentrates is also very necessary for smelting. The high water content of concentrates not only increases the energy consumption of smelting, but also reduces the utilization coefficient of metallurgical protection. In addition, in order to strengthen environmental protection, or in areas where water resources are scarce, in order to reduce the consumption of fresh water, it is also necessary to dehydrate the mineral processing products.


ORESORB® has the ability to quickly absorb and retain water tens to hundreds of times its own weight, so that it can contact with coal powder or other mineral powder slurry, and the water contained in the latter is transferred to the water-absorbing resin, thereby achieving the purpose of dehydration. Specific application scenarios include: ore sea transportation, refining and washing dehumidification.

Dehumidifying ore is essential to ensure efficient processing, reduce transportation costs, and prevent issues such as material handling problems. There are several methods for dehumidifying ore:


ORESORB® Polymer

Thermal Drying【1】:

1. Rotary Dryers: These are large cylindrical machines that rotate and use hot air to dry the ore. The material is fed into the dryer, and as it rotates, the ore is lifted by internal fins and showered through the hot gas stream, evaporating moisture.

2. Fluidized Bed Dryers: These dryers use a bed of hot air that circulates through the ore, lifting and suspending the particles, leading to efficient moisture removal.

Mechanical Dewatering:

1. Vacuum Filters: These filters use a vacuum to draw moisture out of the ore slurry, leaving behind a drier solid material. Common types include drum filters and belt filters.

2. Pressure Filters: These filters apply pressure to squeeze out moisture from the ore. Plate and frame filters are commonly used for this purpose.

Microwave and Infrared Drying【2】:

1. Microwave Dryers: These use microwave energy to heat the ore from within, causing moisture to evaporate quickly. This method can be faster and more energy-efficient than conventional drying methods.

2. Infrared Dryers: These use infrared radiation to heat the surface of the ore, evaporating moisture. This method is effective for surface moisture removal.

Desiccant Dehumidification【3】:

Desiccant Air Dryers: These dryers use materials that absorb moisture from the air, such as silica gel or activated alumina. The dry air is then circulated through the ore, reducing its moisture content.

Solar Drying:

Solar Drying Beds: These are outdoor drying areas where the ore is spread out and exposed to sunlight. This method is cost-effective but weather-dependent and slower compared to mechanical and thermal methods.

Freeze Drying【4】:

Freeze Dryers: These remove moisture by freezing the ore and then reducing the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water to sublimate directly from solid to gas. This method is energy-intensive and typically used for high-value or sensitive materials.


ORESORB®polymer has super water-absorbing capacity. By stacking layers of bedding between the ores, it absorbs the moisture between the ores to achieve rapid dehumidification. It is simple to operate and has remarkable results.   

Drying MethodAdvantagesDisadvantagesCost Evaluation
Thermal Drying Methods
Rotary DryersHigh processing capacity, suitable for large-scale productionHigh energy consumption, requires significant heat energyHigh equipment investment, high operating costs
Fluidized Bed DryersEfficient moisture removal, relatively lower energy consumptionComplex equipment, high maintenance costsHigh equipment investment, higher operating costs
Mechanical Dewatering Methods
Vacuum FiltersEffective moisture removal, suitable for high humidity oresHigh equipment investment and operating costsHigh equipment investment, high operating costs
Pressure FiltersSimple operation, suitable for pressure filtrationHigh energy consumption, relatively slower processing speedModerate equipment investment, higher operating costs
Microwave and Infrared Drying Methods
Microwave DryersRapid heating, high energy efficiencyHigher equipment investment, limited applicabilityHigh equipment investment, moderate operating costs
Infrared DryersRapid surface moisture removal, suitable for surface moistureRequires high material transparency, unable to deep dryModerate equipment investment, moderate operating costs
Desiccant Dehumidification Methods
Desiccant Air DryersSimple operation, suitable for high humidity environmentsHigher costs for desiccant replacement and maintenanceLow equipment investment, high maintenance costs
Solar Drying Methods
Solar Drying BedsLow cost, no additional energy input requiredWeather-dependent, slower drying speedLow equipment investment, low operating costs
Freeze Drying Methods
Freeze DryersMaintains material quality, suitable for sensitive materialsExtremely high energy consumption, expensive equipmentHigh equipment investment, very high energy consumption, high operating costs
Chemical Desiccation Method
Chemical DesiccationSimple to use, low costNot suitable for all mineral desiccation needsRelatively low cost, limited applicability

These methods can be selected based on the specific requirements, including the type of ore, desired moisture content, energy availability, and cost considerations.

Comparison of coal ore dehumidification costs

This table provides a comparative overview of different coal ore drying methods, highlighting their respective advantages, disadvantages, and cost evaluations, including chemical desiccation as an additional method. This comparison can assist decision-makers in choosing the most suitable drying technology based on specific requirements and budget considerations.

ORESORB® Polymer Application Scenarios

Scenario 1: Maritime Transport/Coal Storage for Preventing Compaction and Wall Adherence

Moisture Removal and Drying of Minerals During Maritime Transport:

ORESORB® polymer is used to dehumidify and dry minerals during transportation by sea. This prevents moisture accumulation, ensuring that the minerals remain dry and free-flowing.

Preventing Sliding of Minerals During Transport:

By maintaining the dryness of the minerals, ORESORB® polymer reduces the risk of sliding during transit. This helps stabilize the cargo, significantly lowering the risk of vessel capsizing due to cargo shifting.

Preventing Compaction and Crust Formation in Coal Storage:

In coal storage, ORESORB® polymer prevents the formation of crusts and compaction, ensuring that the coal remains loose and easy to handle.

Scenario 2: Moisture Removal from Minerals

Energy Consumption Reduction:

High moisture content in minerals necessitates more energy for drying and processing. By using ORESORB® polymer for moisture removal, the energy requirements and associated costs in subsequent processing stages are significantly reduced.

Enhancing Transportation Efficiency:

Dehumidifying minerals with ORESORB® polymer reduces their weight, leading to lower transportation costs and improved logistics efficiency.

Facilitating Subsequent Processing:

Low moisture content in minerals enhances the efficiency and stability of further processing, leading to smoother and more consistent operations.

Improving Product Quality:

By ensuring minerals are dry and free from excess moisture, ORESORB® polymer helps in improving the quality and stability of the final product.


1. Thermal Drying and Mechanical Dewatering: Thermal Drying of Fine and Ultrafine Coal - ScienceDirect

2. Microwave and Infrared Drying: Microwave Drying of Materials - MDPI

3. Desiccant Dehumidification: Desiccant Dehumidification for Humidity Control - U.S. Department of Energy

4. Freeze Drying: Freeze Drying Process - FDA

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