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SAP Hydrogel – The Savior For Plants to Resistance The Drought

Aug 31st,2022

All sorts of drought news has been coming lately. North America – Drought farmers selling food crops for hay? This unimaginable phenomenon is now happening across North America.Record-breaking droughts are withering food crops in Canada’s Prairie provinces and the northern US. Also according to the most recent Alberta crop report: Persistent hot weather and low levels of rainfall contributed to the drought conditions, resulting in only 20 per cent of the province’s crops being considered in good or excellent condition.

“The cropland and hay land all involves a lot of input costs — fertilizer, seeds, chemical sprays, the labour itself, fuel bills, machinery,” Boehlke said. “It’s really damaging to the producers.”

Drought can reduce both water availability and water quality necessary for productive farms, ranches, and grazing lands, resulting in significant negative direct and indirect economic impacts to the agricultural sector. Drought can also contribute to insect outbreaks, increases in wildfire and altered rates of carbon, nutrient, and water cycling—all of which can impact agricultural production, critical ecosystem functions that underpin agricultural systems, and the livelihoods and health of farming communities.

U.S. crops and livestock in drought

Drought impacts on Agriculture

1、Agricultural Production Losses The primary direct economic impact of drought in the agricultural sector is crop failure and pasture losses.These costs are often passed on to consumers through increased prices and/or they may be offset through government disaster assistance programs.Indirect impacts of drought in the sector can include reduced supplies to downstream industries, such as food processors, and reduced demand for inputs, such as fertilizer and farm labor.The non-market impacts of production losses include mental health strain on farmers.

2、Decreased Water Availability for Agriculture The depletion of water availability in soils causes significant declines in crops and livestock productivity.In addition,surface and groundwater supplies may decline during drought, affecting water availability and increasing costs to access water for crop or forage irrigation and watering livestock.With a return to normal precipitation, soil moisture typically recovers long before surface and groundwater supplies are replenished.

3、Pests and Diseases Drought, coupled with high temperatures, may expand the distribution and incidence of pests and diseases that affect crops, forage, and livestock.

4、Specialty Crops Most specialty crops (such as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, and medicinal herbs) are more vulnerable to drought than field crops and have a higher value per unit of land/water.They may therefore represent a higher risk for experiencing economic loss in drought if the crop water demand exceeds water supply.

SOCO®super absorbent material Hydrogel will help you solve the drought problem and minimize the loss Hydrogel agriculture technology as it is popularly called can improve soil quality, preserve water and resist drought stress, it can increase seed sprouting and seedling development leading to better farm success. From the environmental aspects, it is non-polluting and biodegradable, helps in reducing irrigation frequency & water consumption and creates a simple cyclic process to provide water directly to roots and prevent soil compaction. It has a wide area of application ranging from agriculture, forestry, industrial planting, municipal gardening, drought management, water conservation, It helps reduce soil erosion by surface run-offs, fertilizer and pesticide leaching to ground water, reducing cost of water and irrigation and success rate at growth and high yields of crops.

What are its advantages in agriculture?

—Save Water: save the irrigation and improve the soil water holding capacity 70% (for sand); Depends on soil type, it can save irrigation water 30-70%

— Improve Soil Structure: During SAP water absorption, the SAP will inflate. Then it shrink when water release. This will enhance air flow for soil and reduce root corruption.

— Water Gel around Seed: improve seed germination & emergence, give plants an early, health start;

— Save fertilizer: SAP absorbs water and fertilizer and releases them slowly. Reduce fertilizer washing down by rains and irrigation. Contains Potassium 18.3% and release the fertilizer efficiency slowly;

— Increase production: increase crops and fruit yield 70% (for melon planting in California) Our agriculture SAP is comprised by Potassium polyacrylate Not sodium, therefore there is no soil compaction issue and it can release Potassium which helps plant grow.

1.Pot Plant, Shrub, Crops, Small Trees

2.Seeding Bed, Seeding Mix, New Lawn, field crops

3.Large Tree, Fruit Tree (corn/ soybeans/ alfalfa hay/ cotton/ wheat/ sugarcane/ orange/ avocado/ datep palm)

SAP is widely used in diaper, cooling pad, a Eco-friendly material, it is totally non-toxic, harmless and nonpolluting.

Hydrogel for plants is an advanced agricultural aid composed of superabsorbent polymers that revolutionize soil moisture management. Water Holding Polymers are a class of polymer materials with excellent water absorption and water retention properties.

In agricultural applications, Hydrogel for Agriculture can significantly improve the water retention capacity of the soil and reduce ineffective evaporation and loss of water, thus reducing the frequency of irrigation and water consumption and realizing water-saving irrigation. This is particularly important in areas where water is scarce, helping to alleviate agricultural water stress and promote sustainable agricultural development.

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